Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Golf Instruction

Golf Swing Problem
by: PurePointGolf.

There are many problems that can develop with a golf swing. Everyone that plays the game develops swing flaws at one time or another so it’s pretty safe to say that they aren’t going to go away any time soon. The root cause of these various swing problems is lack of proper instruction. If you have a golf swing problem do not feel like you are alone in the world.

Receiving the proper instruction from a qualified professional will go a long way in preventing chronic swing problems, especially with beginners. When a player develops a golf swing problem, most of the time, they tend to want to self-correct. This usually does not work very well if there is not the adequate knowledge of swing fundamentals. Fellow players are happy to volunteer swing-fixes but do they really know what they are talking about? The point here is that the best thing to do when a swing problem develops is to go to a golf instructor for help, not your well meaning playing partner.

A very common golf swing problem is the slice. The slice is caused from an outside to inside swing path. With a right handed golfer the clubface strikes the ball from outside the swing plane from a right to left direction. This causes left to right sidespin on the golf ball. The ball starts straight for a short distance, the spinning action takes over and it curves sharply to the right. This golf swing problem is easily corrected by taking the club back on an “inside” plane and striking so that the ball is struck squarely at impact. If the club path is correct the clubface will impart reverse spin to the ball which causes it to go high and straight.

Another common golf swing problem is lack of shot distance. There can be several causes for this problem but the most common causes are not making a full release of the clubhead and not executing the proper body turn on the backswing. The best way to release the club fully is not to “try” to release the club at all. Just take the club back properly, start forward with your body and allow the club to release on it’s own. Remember, if you do not make the correct body turn on the backswing, you cannot generate the kind of torque that will create a good release. The natural release occurs automatically and results in much greater shot distance. A full and complete body turn going back and a proper release of the club at impact are essential in playing good golf.

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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Improve your Distance

(tip provided by David Nevogt from The Simple Golf Swing)

Pass the Pole for More Distance
If you want more distance and consistency, use a proper weight shift. Imagine a pole coming vertically out of the ground where the ball is resting at address. Make it your goal to get your left shoulder behind the ball and the imaginary pole on the takeaway--without swaying the hips. This ensures a good position to initiate your downswing. On the follow-through, your right shoulder should move past the ball and imaginary pole. When you do this correctly, you not only make a good turn, but a good weight shift as well.

Start at the Top
The real secret to hitting straighter, more-consistent shots is to have a square clubface at impact. If your clubface connects squarely with the ball, your shots fly straight. It's that simple! One way to promote a square clubface at impact is to have one at the top of the backswing. If you're not square at the top, you have to manipulate the club in some way to make it square at impact. This can lead to all kinds of timing problems. Here's a good drill that teaches you how to play from a square position. With a club in hand, lift your arms just up to the forehead, and then rotate the shoulders as far as possible, allowing a full backswing. This sets your hands in a square position at the top and encourages a full turn. If you can hold this position for a few seconds, it helps ingrain the proper feeling that you should have at the top of the swing.

Stabilize Your Left Knee
Long distance hitters have a significant discrepancy between hip turn and shoulder turn. The place for a big hip turn is on the follow-through, not the backswing! One important body part that affects what the hips do is the left knee. When it collapses or bends inward, the hips are able to turn too much, making it impossible to create the necessary torque required to build clubhead speed. To improve this, simply feel the left knee staying out toward the target at the top of the backswing. This keeps some distance between the knees.

Turn Your Way to More Distance
The key to hitting a golf ball a long way is minimizing your hip turn and maximizing your shoulder turn. The easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure that your left knee doesn't slide to the right on the backswing and that the right knee stays firm and flexed throughout. (Opposite knee for left-handed players.) Also, get your shoulder behind the ball at the top of the backswing. This ensures good weight shift and allows for a longer swing.

Release is the Key to Distance
To improve distance, you must have a proper hand release in the swing. Take a short backswing and stop when your club and hands are about waist high. Look as though you are shaking hands with your thumb pointing up in the air. As you swing down into the follow through, make sure your hands are doing the same thing that they did on the backswing (thumb up). This technique ensures that you use your hands properly.